Share the Christmas story
December 1, 2019

T housands of Aussies and Kiwis love carol-singing events at parks and ovals on a balmy December evening. But what’s also emerging as a family Christmas tradition is a walk through a live re-enactment of the events surrounding Jesus’ birth, put on in various outdoor venues by church theatre groups. Some are local events as humble as a Bethlehem stable; others are more ambitious, with professional-standard music and costumes, and other attractions running alongside the nativity play, such as night markets, camel rides and jumping castles. Many of these are under the “Road to Bethlehem” banner.
Although these events are usually free, the high demand means that tickets may need to be booked to manage audience numbers at each session of the community theatre experience. Check the map to see if there’s a “Road to Bethlehem” or similar event near you.

‘ Freepik
*Although Road to Bethlehem events have been held previously in Sydney, Brisbane and Adelaide, they are not planned for 2019.