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Had a Gutful?

what are FODMAPs?

FODMAP s are a large group of dietary sugars found in a range of healthy foods. They include fructans, galactans, lactose, fructose and polyols, which tend to be incompletely absorbed in the body by some people, causing digestive problems.

try a low-FODMAP diet

To determine whether you would benefit from permanently reducing FODMAP s in your diet, you need to try such a diet for six to eight weeks. This is best done under the supervision of a dietitian who has experience in this area. Before you start, your doctor should exclude other potential causes of intestinal problems such as coeliac disease and ulcerative colitis. If your symptoms improve, you can then work out a tolerance level, as these foods also supply disease-fighting nutrients and you may not need to avoid them altogether.

ideas for low-FODMAP eating

Here are a few food swaps you can try. A registered dietitian can give you more detailed information.

  • Try kiwi fruit, pineapple and oranges instead of watermelon, apples and mangoes.
  • Use green beans, bok choy and carrot rather than broccoli, peas or onion.
  • Enjoy gluten-free or wheat-free breads and wraps instead of bakery products made with wheat or rye flour.
  • Base your breakfast on oats, millet or buckwheat rather than wheat-based cereals.
  • Use brown rice or rice noodles instead of regular pasta.
  • Drink water or herbal tea and avoid beer, wine and chicory-based coffee substitutes.
  • Snack on a handful of plain nuts or popcorn instead of regular muesli bars.
  • Swap legumes such as lentils, chickpeas and kidney beans for tofu or eggs, and include enriched soy, rice or almond milk for extra protein.
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