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What happens if the pope dies?

Images of Pope Francis have recently been released by the Vatican for the first time after he was admitted to hospital in a critical condition for pneumonia following a complex lung infection. Given his advanced age and frailty, many have wondered whether the pope is close to death.

So, what happens in the event of the pope’s death?

If a pope dies or resigns his post, a period called the “seed vacante” or “empty See” will begin. This “interregnum”—the time between popes—will call for a domino effect of rituals and rites that herald the end of the prior pope’s rule and the new one’s ascension.

when the pope dies

The first and most important figure in this period is the Camerlengo, or pope’s chamberlain. The Camerlengo is the administrative and financial custodian of Vatican City and the papal apartments. It is the responsibility of the Camerlengo to ritually declare the pope dead by addressing him by the pope’s baptismal name. He will say (in the case of Francis), “Jorge, dormisne?” which means “Jorge, are you sleeping?” If the pope fails to answer, the Camerlengo declares the pope deceased, then takes the pope’s Ring (the Fisherman’s Ring) and cuts it with shears.

Cardinal Kevin Farrell currently serves as the Pope Francis’ Camerlengo

The papal seal is destroyed in a similar fashion. This act is witnessed by the cardinals and symbolises the end of the deceased pope’s authority.

The Camerlengo then informs the Roman Curia (the central body that oversees the Vatican’s administrative institutions) and the dean College of Cardinals. He then safeguards the pope’s will and ensures it is presented during the first meeting of the College during the conclave.

Finally, the bishops around the world, as well as other world leaders, are notified of the pope’s passing via official channels, after which the news breaks to the media and general public. After the official announcement is issued, the bells of St Peter’s Basilica will toll, signifying the ceremonial announcement. The death certificate is certified by medial staff and the pope’s body is transferred from the papal apartments to St Peter’s Basilica.

the novemdiales

Starting on the day of the pope’s passing, the novemdiales, the nine-day mourning period, begins.

A series of masses (such as the daily Requiem Mass for the soul of the pope) are carried out, including several prescribed liturgies. The pope’s body will be laid in Saint Peter’s Basilica during this time, which gives the public the opportunity to pay their respects.

The funeral of Pope John Paul II

The papal funeral usually happens within a week’s time and will be conducted by the dean of the College of Cardinals. The novemdiales finishes with one final mass, which will mark the official end of the nine-day mourning period and the beginning of the conclave.

the conclave

The conclave usually begins 15 days after the pope’s passing. Only cardinals are permitted to attend the conclave (as well as the Camerlengo and cardinal assistants). Of the 2521 cardinals that currently exist, 137 are cardinal electors, being under the age of 80. These cardinal electors assemble to elect one of their number to become the new pope.

Upon arrival in Rome, the cardinal electors will hear two sermons: one before entering the conclave and the other just before the conclave begins. The purpose of the sermons are to explore the state of the worldwide church as well as to lay out the characteristics necessary for a new pope in the cultural moment the church finds itself in.

Then, the cardinal electors assemble in Saint Peter’s Basilica to take Mass. In the afternoon, they will transition to the Pauline Chapel in the Apostolic Palace, followed by the Sistine Chapel where they will undergo another series of rituals before the senior cardinal seals the chamber. Any outsiders are expelled with the command “extra omnes!” meaning “outside, all of you!” and any non-cardinal electors will leave. The only officials allowed to communicate with the outside world are the Major Penitentiary, the Vicar General for Vatican City as well as the Cardinal Vicar for the Diocese of Rome.

The recent film Conclave dramatises the election of a new pope

Interestingly enough, in the conclave the elected Pope Francis, the Sistine Chapel was searched to find any hidden surveillance devices. None were found, but in previous conclaves, some members of the press have disguised themselves as conclave servants and were ejected). No cardinal may communicate with the outside world in any way, as the conclave’s electoral process is secretive and confidential. To break this means automatic excommunication.

In order to become the next pope, a candidate must secure a two-thirds supermajority. On the afternoon of the first day, a ballot may be held—but it is not mandatory. In the event that a ballot is not held on the first day or a ballot is held and no-one is elected, four ballots will be held in each succeeding day: two in the morning and two in the afternoon. If no-one is elected by the third day, voting is suspended for a day for the purpose of prayer and contemplation. The senior cardinal will also have the privilege of addressing the conclave. If, after another seven ballots and no result is achieved, the senior cardinal may again address the conclave.

The actual process of voting is divided into three phases called “pre-scrutiny”, “scrutiny” and “post-scrutiny”. It is a complex and laborious process that is designed to weed out error, conspiracy and flippancy. Throughout the phases, cardinal electors continually take oaths in Latin as well as submitting to a litany of rituals.


Traditionally, whenever an election failed, the cardinals burned the ballots to indicate no pope had yet been chosen. Black smoke (aided with the use of potassium perchlorate, anthracene and sulphur) communicates a failed ballot whereas while white smoke (aided with the use of potassium chlorate, lactose and pine rosin) rises when an election is successful and a new pope has been chosen. Media and the faithful alike will gather at St Peter’s Square to eagerly await the news.

If the new pope accepts his ascension, he immediately takes office. Much will need to be done to induct him into his new role, but that is fodder for an entirely different article. The reality is, Pope Francis is (at the time of writing) 88 years of age, so time is not on his side. Whenever he passes, the entire Catholic world and its more than 1.3 billion adherents around the world will be impacted.

Not only that, but a new pope may mean the Catholic Church’s perspective on the world today may also change—and that could very well impact all of us. Only time will tell.

  1. As of March 2025. ↩︎
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