a christian perspective on the world today

Reinvigorating the Sandwich

What Is A Sandwich?

Mums and Dads worldwide love sandwiches because they don’t require cutlery so there’s less washing up! They are portable too, making them ideal for school and work lunches away from home.

Although all sandwiches consist of two pieces of bread or similar carbohydrates, which serve as a wrapper for some other ingredients, they’re not all the same. Some may not be healthful, even actively promoting disease! For example, processed meats such as ham, corned beef, salami or sausage, and smoked chicken or fish, which are common sandwich fillings, are all linked to chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer. 

And highly saturated fat spreads such as butter or refined vegetable oil spreads like margarine may clog up your arteries or promote inflammation.

So what are you feeding your family on a daily basis?

How To Make It Healthier

  • Bread. Whether it’s sliced bread, a roll or a wrap, pick something with a lot of seeds and grains, sourdough or sprouted grain for maximum goodness and minimal harm to your blood sugar and insulin readings.
  • Spreads. Use spreads made from whole food plant ingredients to supply antioxidants and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients. Examples include fresh avocado, hummus, eggplant or a nut or seed paste or butter.
  • Protein. Choose mostly plant-based protein sources such as a lentil burger, falafel, baked beans, marinated tofu patty, nut loaf or vegetarian sausage. Plant proteins actively fight chronic disease, whereas diets high in animal protein alter your intestinal flora in harmful ways that are linked with bowel cancer.
  • Vegetables. Fresh or roasted vegetables and salads such as tabbouleh and cabbage are perfect ways to bulk up the filling. Use common ones too, but also try new varieties and combinations such as watercress or crunchy radish, which have potent anticancer properties. Sprouts, microgreens and herbs of all types are delicious and add variety and medicinal value to keep your family healthy.
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