a christian perspective on the world today

Authentic Christian Living

According to Jesus of Nazareth, “Greater love has no-one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). While on occasion this may mean actual martyrdom, it has also been interpreted—correctly, I believe—as being a reflection of those who pour out their lives in Christian service for others, especially for those whom they may not have otherwise known.

ther it’s in your local area or halfway around the globe, there’s a need for dedicated Christians to offer not only the gospel message but also the kind of service Jesus Himself would give.

Such service is a big part, I would suggest, of authentic Christianity. You can find ways to serve others in your own community through your church (if you aren’t currently a church member, I can heartily recommend the Seventhday Adventist Church as a community worth your time) or other community organisations.

parts of the world, the Adventist Development and Relief Agency is recruiting helpers for projects near and far. You can learn more at ADRA’s website.1 Even if your involvement is just a local fundraising event, it’s an important and vital way to help those in need.

In India, as well as in other parts of the world, there are many communities of Christians who don’t have a church building in which to worship and educate their children. Maranatha Volunteers International offers opportunities, for those who desire to go, and assist in the construction of such structures. You can find details on how to get involved at Maranatha’s website.2
For Seventh-day Adventists worldwide, there’s another avenue of service: the Office of Volunteer Ministries, which is online at their website.3 Here, an Adventist can apply for volunteer service anywhere in the world.

One particular service opportunity is to teach English to the thousands of people in Korea who want to learn the language. The Seventh-day Adventist Language Institute in Korea4 is the church’s official training program in that country, and is frequently recognised for the excellence of its programming and marketing efforts.

Those interested can apply via the Office of Volunteer Ministries.
There are other Christian organisations where service is valued.
One outstanding group is World Vision,5 which offers a range of volunteering opportunities. World Vision funds development programs throughout Asia, Africa and South America. Its work is highly respected and valued in many quarters.

These are only a few avenues through which one could, either in the short term or for longer periods of time, live out faith through service to others. It might not be possible for everyone to “go” but prayer, encouragement and financial support are potential avenues of service. Everyone has the opportunity to do something that honours the One whose name they claim.

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